Chronache della Seconda Guerra Globale

With the release of Spie della Seconda Guerra Globale, the entire seven-episode cycle of Chronicles of the Second Global War (Chronache della Seconda Guerra Globale) has now appeared in Italian, as translated by Chiara Beltrami, in four ebooks from Delos Digital, each volume with a kick-ass cover by the awesome Franco Brambilla. This fourth and final volume includes “Preludio a Bisanzio” (“Prelude to Byzantium,” which appeared at Three-Lobed Burning Eye magazine in English), “Il Golem dai mille volti” (“The Golem with a Thousand Faces,” which was written for A.D. Lobel & Mark Shainblum’s Other Covenants anthology, a project orphaned by the CZP implosion, so this is this episode’s first appearance in any language), and the concluding episode, “Brandelli di una spia distrutta” (“Fragments of a Shattered Spy” – which makes its debut here in any language)

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